Executive Management Committee
The ACRA Executive Management Committee comprises a team of voluntary, multidisciplinary health professionals who work across Australia in cardiac rehabilitation and/or chronic disease management. The current committee members are:

Carmel Bourne

Vice President (President Elect)
Joanna Clark

Minke Hoekstra

Justine Williams

Immediate Past-President
Carolyn Astley

Assistant Secretary
Heather Chadwick

NSW / ACT President
Dion Candelaria

NSW Representative
Robert Zecchin

ACT Representative
Heather Chadwick

VIC / TAS President
Shihoko Pearson

VIC Representative
Alison Beauchamp

TAS Representative
Judith Enright

QLD President
Snezana Stolic

QLD Representative
Jo Wu

WA Representative
Julie Prout

WA President
Andrew Maiorana

SA / NT President
Celine Gallagher

NT Representative
Justine Williams

SA Representative
Dianna Lynch

Australian Centre for Heart Health Representative
Prof Alun Jackson

National Heart Foundation Representative
Vanessa Poulsen